Curse of the azure bonds ioun stone deep red
Curse of the azure bonds ioun stone deep red

Judge A Book By Its Center: Aarindarius must be really engrossed in the central pages of that book.The afterlife is also structured as a series of levels which dead souls progress through in a spiritual journey as they become enlightened. The Journey Through Death: People headed for the Lawful Good afterlife have to climb up a seemingly endless mountain before arriving in the afterlife.Of course, they also live in a world of Cardboard Prisons, so. They come to the decision that imprisonment (in antimagic cells) is actually more secure than summary execution, given that they live in a world where Death Is a Slap on the Wrist. Joker Immunity: Lampshaded and justified in "Death Actually IS Too Good for Them", where the Order decide what to do with a once-again-defeated Linear Guild.Joke Exhaustion: When Roy uses the belt of Gender Changing to escape being killed, Haley makes nearly a dozen jokes about Roy being emasculated, to the point that Roy mentions that technically, it's okay for him to hit a girl now.Roy: *Sigh* I should have known a sports metaphor would be wasted on you. More like half-time.Įugene: What? How can you halve time itself? Roy: Well I hate to break it to you dad, but this isn't the end of the line. Interestingly, Roy was apparently a nerd compared to other fighters. Played straight with Eugene and his father, Horace, who had inspired Roy's career path. Roy chose a career as a fighter class as opposed to a wizard like his father, which are seen as a jock and nerd class respectively at least in universe. Jock Dad, Nerd Son: Inverted with Roy Greenhilt and his father, Eugene.Jeweler's Eye Loupe: A gnome artificer uses a eye loupe to examine the Ioun Stone Blackwing has seized from Laurin Shattersmith in the previous book.Roy finally accepts that Belkar was right about Durkon when the High Priest of Hel reveals his true colors. Belkar's insistence that Vampire Durkon be killed at the first calm moment was probably the best course of action since due to getting resurrected, Durkon was possessed by a vampire's spirit.Hinjo, a paladin mind you, has to admit it that the person whose evil is measurable in kilonazis is right. Belkar rightfully points out to Hinjo that his uncle has every reason to refuse being resurrected as Hinjo was planning to arrest him and his uncle was an old man who was due to die soon anyway.Haley's Self-Loathing is needlessly cruel towards Haley, but she is correct in her analysis that Haley is trying to repress her true feelings, and hiding from Elan is going to hurt her further.Jacob Marley Apparel: Parodied with the Ghost of Lame Monsters Past.

Curse of the azure bonds ioun stone deep red